Implied Dissent

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Not voting

Thomas Sowell points out why we should be happy so few people vote. I think he has a point. He also reminds of a time a few years ago when my Mom wanted me to vote on a ballot issue a certain way. I refused to vote at all, not because of any strong opinion that some aspect of the issue was being ignored, not as some form of protest of the system, not to annoy her, but because it was the responsible thing to do. I wasn't anywhere nearly informed enough to deserve a vote, I would simply be diluting people's votes who knew what was going on and were far more affected by the outcome than I. Of course her reaction was to say that this showed why they shouldn't have lowered the voting age. I still think I was right, and still have no idea what the correct outcome of that vote would have been.


  • The responsible vote on any ballot question is almost always "no". I live in a state (AZ) where half of the ballot in any election is taken up by bond issues and ballot initiatives that should never be passed off to the electorate. It's generally a convienient way for legislators to avoid going on record raising taxes.

    The occasional exception to this rule being questions regarding the repeal or reversal of previous legislation...

    By Blogger Brian, at Oct 7, 2004, 2:36:00 PM  

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