Implied Dissent

Monday, June 13, 2005

Why I can't take liberals seriously (A continuing series)

"War, far from being rare or some isolated event, is a very real and NORMAL part of life.
War translates to 'maintaining the fundamental ability to own and control our own lives'.
War is necessary, it is lifesaving, it is normal, and you know what? I'll go ahead and say it in my out loud voice, war is good."
Oh, wait, she wasn't talking about war, she was talking about abortion. There are legitimate arguments on all sides of the abortion debate, and I want to hear them (laid out in an intelligent manner, of course, which is all too rare). This woman is a feminazi.


  • Stormcoming is a liberal and a "feminazi'? That's news to me. She's an autonomist, a concept I'd think libertarians would understand. As an anarchist with libertarian tendencies myself I've never understood the hang-up with abortion in so-called libertarian circles. Why in the world do the same people who attack public smoking bans, the FDA, Abraham Lincoln, and the public schools feel that they can stick their nose up every woman's womb and tell her she should not have an abortion? That she's a freak if motherhood doesn't appeal to her?

    Abortion IS natural, whether you like it or not. It's liberating. Back in the old days, right after Roe, women used to sit around and talk proudly of their abortions, how they took control of their lives and bodies. Nearly every woman I knew at one time had had an illegal or legal abortion. None of them were ashamed. That was, of course, before the liberals at NARAL, NOW, and Planned Parenthood, and the Hillarys of the world internalized anti-abort diatribes and decided that abortion should be "rare" and started their pernicious trackback to shame, essentialism and Mommiehood..

    Women have abortions because they don't want to be pregnant--for any number of reasons. We are under no obligation to breed for anybody. Yes, for some abortion is a sad experience, for others it's joyful. For most it's just not that big of a deal until do-gooding pro-natalist reactionaries on the left and right make it one. I'd have thought by now that women had figured out that "lefties," "progressives," and "libertarians" could give a rat's ass about them. I knew that 30 years ago when oh-so correct Marxists tired to tell us what was "for our own good" and ride their collectivist train. And as for cons and theo-cons...well, that's apparent.

    To dismiss Stormcoming's thoughtful and energizing post(s) is to trivialize and marginalize women: That's a bad thing you said little lady (pat pat on the head), now go back to the kitchen and fix me my breakfast.

    By Blogger Marley Greiner, at Jun 19, 2005, 11:58:00 AM  

  • Uh, where did in the post did I say abortion should be illegal? In fact, where on my site have I ever taken a position either way? Where did I say all women should be mothers, because I don't think that. How does criticizing one woman equate to telling all women all that they're good for is making me breakfast? Like I said, I want to hear all sides of the debate, but when someone says something like 'abortion is good', I will call that person out on it.
    I will grant you I don't know the woman's politics, and I should have also linked to Atrios, thru whom I found that piece. He's the liberal I can't take seriously, she's the person I can't. However, she is a feminazi, as her position is the definition of what a feminazi is. It doesn't mean feminist.
    There are people who sit around and talk about the glories of war, how proud they are of being a part of one. This doesn't make them right that war is good. War may sometimes be the least bad option, but it is always bad. Same with abortion. If you want to convince people that they shouldn't interfere with a woman's decision to have an abortion, don't also tell them they can't have an opinion on it aside from its legal status. I think people should be able to snort as much coke as they want to, and I think that snorting coke is moronic and self-destructive. See how that works?
    Are you serious that some women you know found the experience joyful? Honestly, I find that sickening.

    By Blogger Maestro, at Jun 19, 2005, 2:11:00 PM  

  • You didn't say that you believe personally that abortion should be illegal, and I don't think I said you did. But it's a wacky pernicious libertarian attitude I see all over the place, that I don't understand.

    Since you've never had an abortion, how do you know it's not good? How do you know it's not liberating? It's good for lots of women--and men.

    What, btw, is your definition of a feminazi? An autonomist. A woman who owns her own body?

    Yes, I am quite serious. Women used to be proud of their abortions. We'd talk openly about them. Now everybody is afraid to, they'be been guilted by religious nuts and do-gooders. I had an aborton at the age of 34 and it was the happiest day of my life. There was never any question that I'd do it.

    Breeding is bourgie.

    By Blogger Marley Greiner, at Jun 27, 2005, 9:04:00 PM  

  • I guess I got a little confused by the way you switched back and forth between attacking me and attacking others. Sorry, rereading your comment, you didn't accuse me of some of the things I thought you did.
    Anyway, have you ever guilted a woman into not having an abortion? Let me tell you, it feels great. The first time I did it was the happiest day of my life. But I guess you wouldn't know....See how ridiculous that was. There are lots of things I haven't experienced. I haven't watched my mother die, and I don't need to be able to say it would be a bad thing. If she were in a lot of pain, it might be a better thing than continuing that pain indefinitely, but it would still be a bad thing.
    I'm no psychologist, so this is more speculation than good analysis, but what the hell....I suspect your happiness regarding your abortion is due to either the happiness of doing something you were told you weren't supposed to do, like a kid who feels grown up because he got drunk. Or it's a kind of confirmatory bias, wherein you need to believe you made the right decision so you convinced yourself it was a great thing. I don't know the particulars of your situation, so I have no clue if you made the right decision or not.
    I don't know what the definition of autonomist, but if it means you believe abortions are good and to be encouraged, then, yes that is what a feminazi is. If it means you are pro-choice or believe women own their own bodies, then no, it doesn't mean that.

    By Blogger Maestro, at Jun 29, 2005, 8:58:00 PM  

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