Implied Dissent

Monday, March 07, 2005

Dissing the Maestro

I find it very amusing to see all the criticism that Alan Greenspan has directed his way recently. I have criticisms of my own for the pseudo-Maestro, but people are calling him a hack, which is ridiculous. Does he have his own opinions about what the best policies are, what the best goals for our policies are? Absolutely. Sometimes what he thinks tends to favor Democrats, sometimes Republicans. More often Republicans. That doesn't make him a hack. If he were to lie about or distort what he thinks is best for the country for the benefit of a party, then he'd be a hack. When he opposes something you support, or supports something you oppose, he merely has a different opinion. Perhaps he's wrong, perhaps he's right, but all indications are that he is a man of integrity. Let's not treat as a god as some have, but he is due some respect for what he's accomplished.


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