Implied Dissent

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Framing Schmaming

Jesse Taylor takes issue with Factcheck over Social Security. He probably has a point. I wouldn't call them shills, but they were not useful, or worse, on the issue. Reading through his comments section tho I found myself quite exasperated. I mean, who cares if we call it a cut in benefits, or a cut in the growth rate, or putting it on firm footing, or whatever else someone wants to say? Is the plan a good one, or is it a bad one? Framing can be useful, but let's not obsess on stupid shit. One of my teachers in grad school told us about the administration asking him about whether calling him a x professor or a y professer (don't remember what x and y were, but it's irrelevant to the story) was better, and he responded he didn't care if they called him a little girl professor if they paid him more. I probably wouldn't go that far, but let's keep focused on what matters.


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